quarta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2018

Do you think there's something wrong?

On the eve of the World Economic Forum, Oxfam presents its report of world's income concentration: 

2013: the poorest 50 percent of the world population produced 0.7 percent of the wealth. On the rich side, that same percentage was divided by 85 people. Bad. Brutal. 

2016: the poorest 50 percent owned only 0.2 percent of the world's wealth. On the wealthy side, this wealth is hit by only eight people. A fair result, thanks to the free world.

2017: the poorest 50 percent no longer have wealth that can be measured. They own zero percent. On the rich side there is good news: 82 percent of the world's wealth belongs to 1 percent of the population. No comments

2017: 100 million brazilians (50% of population) had the same wealth as 5 people.
Resultado de imagem para oxfam wealth report

terça-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2018

About social changes

Social changes do not arise from the masses in their eternal expectation of command, of direction. They come from a small group of people, ideas and voices. People dedicated to improve the lives of those who ignore, criticize or attack the vanguard. Social changes are not social upheavals.

terça-feira, 14 de novembro de 2017

The others

Pedants are people who knows subjects we don't understand.

Pedantes são todas as pessoas que dominam assuntos que não entendemos.

quarta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2017


Resultado de imagem para elis regina
Elis: bigger than language
Elis Regina is great. Bigger than herself. I heard yesterday: "Don't speak portuguese, but understand everything she sings."

terça-feira, 17 de outubro de 2017

Two margins

Brazilian artists censored. Art galleries and museums boycotted by people who do not go to art galleries and museums. A crusade of morality is led by politicians, religious and people of dubious history.

Flames destroy the country while politicians swap accusations of which party is most responsible for environmental chaos and deaths. The Pinhal de Leiria, one of the oldest national forests in the world, was almost completely devastated. But while the country is shocked, emotionally unstable and politically divided, a big business that enriches investors and creates unemployment and wealth concentration is about to happen.

An uncertain contingent of venezuelans, bolivians, haitians, paraguayans, and other nationalities works in a situation analogous to slavery in Brazil. They are exploited in the textile industry, crops, domestic service, prostitution and drug traffic. In addition to foreigners, thousands of brazilian rural workers live in situations analogous to slavery (abolished 11 years before the 20th century) on cattle ranches, sugar cane and other degrading services, generation after generation.

Altice is a multinational corporation from the Netherlands with business in eight countries (mobile telephony, internet and entertainment). Altice plans to take over the portuguese Media Capital, which includes the open channel TVI, radios, internet providers and video production, among other businesses. Altice already produces owns the operators MEO and Nowo.

The brazilian coup government officially abandons the alignment with the guidelines of the International Labor Organization and softens the law that penalizes slave labor. A law whose penalties are already mild: 2 to 8 years. It has now become more difficult for workers to prove they were abused. From now on, to apply the classification of slave labor, only with images of private prisons and shackles.

By acquiring open TV channels, operators and audiovisual production clusters, Altice violates all possible ethical standards, but who can stop a lobby giant? The subject is discussed at the moment in the Regulatory Entity of Social Communication.

The cases have in common the fact that predominant subjects in media and social networks (trending) are useless. Thus, any changes in laws for the benefit of the 1% go unnoticed.

sexta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2017

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

quinta-feira, 25 de maio de 2017

The damage is done.

The damage is done. And if it is too late to fix the damage of living a delegitimating era? How to repair the damage of hopelessness (impression about the future) in the present?

quinta-feira, 11 de maio de 2017

terça-feira, 9 de maio de 2017

Viva a Europa

Dia da Europa. Uma embarcação com 400 pessoas, refugiados sírios, tenta chegar à costa da Itália. A gravação com vozes desesperadas, via rádio e celulares, mostram que a marinha italiana ignorou o pedido de socorro por 5 horas. Quase todos morreram.

quarta-feira, 12 de abril de 2017


O trompetista Ben Cauley foi o único sobrevivente do acidente aéreo que matou Otis Redding e quase toda a banda de apoio (The Bar-Kays) em dezembro de 1967. Como o pequeno avião estava lotado, o baixista James Alexander teve que pegar outro voo e também sobreviveu. Juntos, Cauley e Alexander recriaram os Bar-Kays. A banda está em atividade desde 1966.

Guerra fria