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sexta-feira, 4 de março de 2022
Mythology, a small one
Europe, mother of colonialism and cradle of fascism, became pregnant with her own grandson, American neocolonialism, and gave birth to Ukronazism.
segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2022
Boa Vista - Average Brazilians are taught from an early age to love United States, while the European equivalent is taught to hate Russia. Doctrines that fuel a growing tropical hatred of distant Russia and Europe's unwavering passion for the American empire.
In this confusion of meanings, democrats march alongside far right wing and ignore the ethnic cleansing of Ukrainian-Russians in Donbass and Odessa. Asia realises that there will be no opportunities for peace in a propaganda-driven unipolar world and is already preparing to face the West on all fronts. Nothing will be like before.
quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2018
The coup is complete
The Supreme Court decided Lula da Silva must go to jail in a controvert judgment where two inconstitutional acts were hidden under president Carmen Lucia's desk. With her vote, the biggest brazilian leader ever was sentenced to jail. Carmen Lucia is the same judge that released Aecio Neves, who was caught in a telephone conversation ordering killings.
Now the extreme right wing has a free path to conquer brazilian government. With support of very known corrup politicians, antionationalists military, the Trump regime and american corporations like Exxon Valdez.
United States doesn't want just oil. They want bases to defy the increasing chinese and russian threaten of global expansion. Brazil is just a piece in geopolitician games. Our efforts to be a respected nation were useless because we have more thiefs and subservient deputies than opportunities to arise from darkness.
Now the extreme right wing has a free path to conquer brazilian government. With support of very known corrup politicians, antionationalists military, the Trump regime and american corporations like Exxon Valdez.
United States doesn't want just oil. They want bases to defy the increasing chinese and russian threaten of global expansion. Brazil is just a piece in geopolitician games. Our efforts to be a respected nation were useless because we have more thiefs and subservient deputies than opportunities to arise from darkness.
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